Pictures from Gloria's Website...

Mike and Gloria's Family Vacation:  Wisconsin 2001...     In the early days of July, 2001, Mike and I visited family and friends throughout the Wisconsin and Minnesota area.  Below are 11 pages pictures and captions from our trip:  Enjoy!

Wisconsin and Minnesota Vacation Pics: 2001  Page 2...

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Anna and Bernadette and the sisters jump in the family truckster on their way to the store for supplies Anna takes a moment to take a "picture of a guy taking a picture of a girl taking his picture" picture Auntie Margie, is the Wilkerson family version of Yoda.  She is all knowing, charismatic, and a wonder from a different age
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Auntie Margie is the sister of Mike's Grandmother, Florence... Auntie Margie's house is just like Yoda's Lair:  Small, efficient, though she has a lot less bugs, but plenty of bubbling stew The back of Auntie Margie's home, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin...
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Holy Cow!  It's the first Taco Bell Mike ever ate in, and where he and Gloria had their first "lunch" together in Wausau, WI Carl Besasie and Gloria at a restaurant during our recent visit:  Carl is a director of commercials and Mike's Best Friend from High School... Carl is much like an ever elusive creature on a National Geographic special, because he's "Very hard to see" while visiting, but we lucked out
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Carl is an aspiring motion picture director, and has credits for working on movies like "CLIFFHANGER" and more while working at BOSS Studios in CA... Carl makes a friendly phone call to tell his friends that he's blowing them off because Mike and Gloria RULE... :) Mike's Mom LOVES clowns of all kinds, and so we took this picture at Tom and Dorothy's house while visiting recently...

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